Anniversary Waltz on Sturgeon Bay
Loving you is easy,
yesterday, today, tomorrow,
the mirror image reflects
the shoe that fits,
gears that mesh.
simulated siamese twins
listen to unspoken words.
Two solitudes embraced.
ballroom dancers fly,
barbershop harmonies sing.
the yin and the yang
of the six pointed star.
two old dovetailed dogs
lie sleeping in the sun.
Loving you is easy,
yesterday, today, tomorrow.
a living irredescent flower
blooming each day.
a scented luminescence,
a literal lightening bug
beaming being,
becoming and bemused
efforvescent creations.
always original, always new.
unique ideas and wit,
delighting the eye,
comforting the soul,
affirming the grand adventure.
Milt Ehrlich