I’m in love with a ruby-throated
hummingbird, emerald, topaz colors
glitter in iridescent plumage.
He flits about my window sipping
breakfast, lunch and dinner at my grenadine
feeder, swooping up and down in aerial
acrobatics gorging on my mellifluous concoction
after he’s drained the hibiscus and sweet alyssum
of all the nectar he can find.
His flapping wings create a thrum, but he can’t hum
and should be called a thrummingbird.
If I could fly backwards as he’s inclined to do
I’d have a chance to undo past regrets
I think of now and then.
He has responsibilities, no time to sing
with one eye out for predators while hunting
for wee critters on the run.
He’ll die if he can’t eat more than
he weighs, hovering like a Sikorsky
when low on fuel or perching on
a branch to rest and watch the world go by.
He’s a fleeting presence in my life,
a reminder life is death defying
like a high wire act of an acrobat.
The courage in his heart pitter-pattering
like a panicky tachycardia
when he flies to winter in Acapulco
keeps me going when I falter
and makes me wonder if my
kind could ever last 30 million years.